Jack Nicholson, Leonardo di Caprio and Matt Damon star in this gripping thriller. Nicholson is an Irish mafia crime boss controlling Matt Damon as his plant in the State Troopers, and Leonardo di Caprio plays the undercover policeman placed inside the Irish mafia, but without full and legal membership of the police, and without protection. It's a tense, edgy drama, and becomes a race against time for each agent to unmask the other before being unmasked himself. It is also very violent. Matt Damon is successful and smooth, and seems in control all the way through while Leonardo di Caprio is alone, at risk, and playing a dangerous game. The acting is superb, and the ending clever and surprising; Jack Nicholson is menacing and strong, without any of his frequent maniacal eccentricities; di Caprio is impressive and on fine form, while Matt Damon recaptures some of the uncomfortable, chilling characteristics he used in The Talented Mr Ripley. It's an edge of the seat experience...
Observations: Here's lookin' at you kid. Book, Film and Theatre Reviews. Selling houses: Telling it like it is.